- Project Management: The main objective of this task is to guarantee the achievement of the several project defined goals at a specified time. This is done creating project documentation and planning the development process taking into account the primary peoject constraints: scope, time and budget.
- State of the art, Scenarios and Requirements: The major activities carried out in this task include an update on the literature review, the identification of the most relevant use cases related to the GROW communications solution, and the definition of the communications requirements related to each of the use cases.
- System Architecture Specification and Design: The goal was to specify the GROW system architecture, including the technologies involved and the interfaces between the GROW system components, based on the scenarios, use cases, and requirements specified in the previous task.
- Mule AUV scheduling algorithm: This task was created to develop an algorithm to schedule the data mules (which are (A)utonumous (U)nderwater (V)ehicles) in order to fulfil the fucntioning objectives and to achieve the best performance results.
- Control and guidance for relative positioning: As we want to have a system where AUVs will travel between underwater points and the surface of the sea, it is needed to implement a mechanism capable of controling these AUVs, as well as to guide them into the points where the communication between devices is possible.
- Simulations, implementation and Experimental Evaluation in Lab Environment: Every part of the system has to be simulated, tested and evaluated in lab environment in order to validate the theorical assumptions that were made before. Both computer simulations and experimental tests in lab environment are essential to the implementation of the final prototypes and to define the system architecture.
- Sea Trial: This task involves every step concerning the sea trial, i.e., not only the trial itself but also the planning of the mission. In this phase the technical aspects and experiments related to the final demonstration of the GROW project have to be defined and detailed has well as the tests for each system component and the test of the overwall system that will be carry out during the maritime mission.
- Dissemination and Communication: As well as in every research project, the information and the conclusions that result from the work developed during such project have to be dissiminated. The purpose of this task is to plan and elaborate material (publications, interaction with the media, etc.) that will be used as a way to communicate the evolution and results of the project.